TOP Things You Should Know When Planning An Event in Singapore
TOP Things You Should Know When Planning An Event in Singapore
Mix business with pleasure
Make the most of your delegates’ time in Singapore by incorporating unique leisure experiences into your event itinerary. From the Night Safari to a rainforest hike, Singapore offers diverse leisure options that are easily accessible.
Go green
Show your commitment to sustainability by choosing eco-friendly venues with a proven track record of sustainable practices. Look for venues with the BCA Green Mark symbol to ensure your event is environmentally responsible.
Choose unconventional venues
Stand out from the crowd by hosting your event at one of Singapore’s unconventional venues, such as an art museum, lush garden, or beachfront location.
Tap into an experienced vendor network
Singapore’s well-established MICE ecosystem means that you’ll have access to a range of professional event planners, logistics companies, and other suppliers with extensive expertise and experience.
Apply for necessary licenses early
Ensure that your event runs smoothly by applying for necessary licenses and permits at least a month in advance. Most applications can be made online via the GoBusiness website.
By following these tips, you can create a truly exceptional event that your delegates will remember for years to come.